Major Angus Brown
Despite being known for his decisive and confident approach when handling demanding situations, Major Angus Brown struggles with a constant internal battle that threatens to destabilise him at any moment. He grapples with his emotions, constantly striving to keep himself grounded and maintain control.

Forging Bonds Through Conversation
Q. How are you feeling about the situation with your friend's injuries, and is there anything that you feel you need to better cope with what has happened?
A. It's been hard to process what happened to my friend, and I'm still trying to come to terms with it. In terms of coping, I think talking with other friends or family members who have gone through similar experiences might be helpful.
Q. How has your experience supporting your friend's recovery impacted your perspective on your role as a serving officer, both in terms of the demands of military life and the personal relationships you form with fellow service members?
A. Supporting my friend's recovery has given me a deeper appreciation for the importance of strong relationships and support systems in military life. It has also shown me the importance of being compassionate and empathetic towards fellow service members, particularly when they are going through difficult times. Overall, this experience has reinforced my commitment to serving my country and my community and has reminded me of the incredible resilience and strength of the men and women who serve alongside me.
Q. Looking back on your time in the military so far, what has helped you the most in dealing with challenging situations like this one, and what advice do you have for fellow service members who may be struggling with their own emotional or psychological stressors?
A. What has helped me is focusing on what I can control, accepting what I cannot, and looking for solutions rather than dwelling on problems. My advice for fellow service members who may be struggling with their own emotional or psychological stressors is to seek help and support. Don't suffer in silence or try to handle everything on your own. Also, don't hesitate to reach out to trusted peers and leaders for support and understanding.