Veteran Hamish Williams
Veteran Hamish Williams is a confident man who has embraced and accepted his injuries. Hamish’s colourful references and humorous banter can make anyone laugh out loud.
Forging Bonds Through Conversation
Q. How has your sense of humour helped you cope with your injuries and adjust to your new life?
A. Well, when you're missing a limb or two, you gotta find the humour in it. It's either laugh or cry, and I chose laughter. I've found that cracking jokes and making others laugh helps me feel better about myself and my situation.
Q. What advice would you give to other wounded veterans who are struggling to come to terms with their injuries?
A. I think the key is to accept your injuries and not let them define you. You're still the same person you were before, just with some battle scars. And it's okay to have bad days, but don't let them consume you. Find something that brings you joy and focus on that. And if you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it.
Q. How has this experience changed your perspective on life?
A. It's made me appreciate the little things more. Like being able to walk, or run. It's also shown me the importance of living in the moment and not taking anything for granted. And I think it's made me a more empathetic person because I know what it's like to struggle and have to overcome obstacles.
The Author's Thoughts