March In March 2023

Combat Stress

March In March Virtual Challenge 2023

Supporting Veterans' Mental Health

Mission Accomplished!

My Story

I was born with cerebral palsy which has affected three of my limbs: my right arm and both my legs. From being able to walk with assisted aids and living a pretty ‘normal’ life doing everything for myself, I am now wheelchair-bound and find doing simple tasks much harder. My progressive deterioration does affect my mental health and the way I feel about myself. For me, every waking thought is highjacked by negativity. I struggle to understand my disability, even though I have lived with it my whole life.


I can appreciate and understand how suffering life-changing injuries both physically and mentally can impact one’s life. Daily, I am in admiration of veterans' determination and courage both physically and mentally to heal and move beyond their battles.

My Mission

My starting aim is to cycle to every Barracks in Scotland and my ultimate goal is to do the same for all Barracks across the United Kingdom. So far I’ve accomplished two Barracks in Scotland.

By using my trusted Motomed exercise bike I chose a virtual route starting at the Eight Mile Burn in Penicuik and ending at the Redford Barracks. I chose this particular route as this will complete the first stage of my journey within a 10-mile radius and in an area, I am familiar with.

Mission Accomplished!

On the 21st of March, I completed my second March In March virtual challenge by cycling 10 miles non-stop in a time of 1hr 17mins. This year was not about improving my PB time, but rather finishing safely.

Through generous donations and huge amounts of support, I have surpassed my fundraising goal to raise £1,053.00.

With sincere thanks...

Combat Stress is the UK’s leading charity for veterans’ mental health. For a century they’ve helped former servicemen and women with mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression. The work they do is life-changing and often lifesaving.

I am extremely proud to have played a small part in raising awareness and vital funds for Combat Stress.

I would like to thank Combat Stress for giving me the opportunity to show my support for their charity.

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